Teaching in Kigali, Rwanda

Welcome! This page was intended to keep my friends and family informed of my experiences in Kigali for the 2010-2011 school year. Thanks for stopping by and staying in touch! I will continue to post as I transition back to life in California.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Multiple-hat Day

You know those emails that go around reminding people of how teachers (and mothers) have to wear so many different hats? Beyond the day-to-day planning, teaching, managing and assessing, there is the addition of counseling, disciplining, and of course, trying to be a consistent positive role-model!

Today I feel like I exhausted all of those hats, not to mention the emotions that come with them. It was a roller-coaster type with many ups and downs.

We start the day with math everyday (because one of my students is pulled out for a different math class at that time). This should be a happy thing since I love teaching math, but I often find it frustrating as many of my students have yet to develop the ability to reason. Our math curriculum assumes this skill is well-developed by this time in the year, but it just isn't so. One of today's questions: There are 12 ice-cream sandwiches to be shared equally among 8 students. How many ice-cream sandwiches will each student receive? Now, you may think, like I did, that my students would struggle with coming up with the right operation, or which number divides which? Oh no… they were confused because they didn't know what an ice cream sandwich was! I wanted to laugh and cry. And of course, after I explained the delicious treat, they no longer wanted to do math, but talk about ice cream sandwiches.

After math we have time for devotions and prayer. This is always a good part of the morning that ends with singing. Today we read from 2 Timothy and sang "I will call upon the Lord". I love this time of day. I also love hearing my kids pray. They have very tender hearts and pray often for each other, their families, and the situations going on in the world (North Africa and Japan), and they truly get excited when they see their prayers answered.

This is the time of day I have Geometry. This class has grown on me throughout the year as I have developed relationships with the students. They still get on my nerves from time to time (and I'm sure I get on theirs!), but they are doing well and learning most days. Today was a really hard day though. There was a quiz, and as I was grading I became suspicious that one student cheated. I investigated and this student ended up admitting to me that he cheated. My heart just sank, because this is the second time he has been caught cheating in my class. KICS has a very strict cheating policy, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but this now means that this student fails my class and will re-take it next year. Yeah… such an unfortunate decision with huge consequences. Please pray with me for this young man that he can learn from this situation and become responsible in his education.

After lunch one of my sixth-grade boys came to class sobbing. Apparently he's been teased a lot because of a nickname his mom calls him (because another boy who went to play at his house overheard her). Now some high-schoolers had caught on and joined in the teasing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? It took this boy over 5 minutes just to calm his breathing down enough to tell me what happened. I felt terrible, but it did lead to a great conversation about where his true worth comes from, from God, from within, and not from others! He was able to return to class and get through the rest of the day, but believe you me, there was a high schooler who got an earful from me after school today. Picking on a kid three years younger… as if…

By the end of the school day I was feeling a bit weary and honestly had no idea what I was going to do with my kids for the last 20 minutes of the day. Then I remembered that our Bible lesson used the analogy of a soldier this week to compare to our Christian lives. I asked Trevor, my boss, if he wouldn't mind coming in at the end of the day to share some of his military experiences with us. He was a hit! Not only did he sneak attack our classroom and scare the daylights out our whole class, he had the kids on the edge of their seats for a full 20 minutes with great stories and messages about the benefits of obedience, knowing how to use our 'weapons' and keeping our eyes on the goal. We also learned how to use a bayonet: twist! twist! twist! ;D

Well, I'm home now, have had the afternoon to rest, and a chance to eat some dinner. Time to go to our school's Talent Show tonight. I hear some of the teachers are bringin' back the 80's! Can't wait to see this!

Praying for you my friends - hoping you find joy and peace no matter what hat you're wearing at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Right now I'm wearing my lazy, Saturday morning bedhead as a hat and it's delightful. :)
    But seriously, thanks for sharing your struggles. I'm SO glad you gave that high schooler an earful...as if! And praise God that you have the clarity of mind and presence of the Holy Spirit to help you turn a horrid situation into an opportunity to grow for this guy...and to invite Trevor into your class. Great idea!
    Love you!
