Teaching in Kigali, Rwanda

Welcome! This page was intended to keep my friends and family informed of my experiences in Kigali for the 2010-2011 school year. Thanks for stopping by and staying in touch! I will continue to post as I transition back to life in California.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


On Sunday we sang the Doxology in both Kinyarwanda and English. It is always a good reminder to that life seems more abundant and good when I focus on blessings rather than problems.

This morning I woke up nervous and anxious about my day. I did not sleep well last night due to some allergy issues, and I was looking ahead to a day full of parent-teacher conferences. In fact, by this evening I have now met with 22 sets of parents, and have 13 more sets tomorrow night. The reason so many? Vicki and I are both conferencing 5th and 6th grade parents because we have swapped math and language arts - two fairly big subjects on the report cards! So… I have to admit my feelings as I walked to school were less than positive. :)

When I got to school early to prep for the day, I soon realized it was our devotional morning and so I did not have as much time as I thought. So I quickly left my room and went to meet with the others. Emily led us in a very encouraging devotion based on the rescue of the miner's last week. Apparently from the beginning (August) her fourth graders have been praying daily for the miners, and very specifically. These 8 and 9 year olds prayed for the miners to have dry shirts, and moments of laughter, and good sleep, and most of all that the 'experts' would be wrong and the miners would get out much sooner than Christmas. When it was announced a few weeks back that the date would be November, they celebrated but said "Let's pray for October!" Last week as each miner was rescued (they followed on the internet in class) they sang "Rejoice in the Lord Always" - Emily said they sang it at least 14 times through the school day! What a great encouragement for those kids to see a miracle and answered prayer!

It reminded me once again that so much of how we 'feel' about life is based on perspective. So from that moment on I again thought about my blessings, rather than my problems. Before school started I received a huge blessing! I received a care package from the missions circle at 1BL I joined a year ago! How fun to receive hot chocolate, macaroni and cheese, and onion soup packets (#pot roast!). Thank you ladies!!

I also was reminded all day about what a blessing it is to be here with these students and fellow teachers. I love them each so much and feel privileged to spend this year with them! The conferences have gone really well so far and have been very positive in nature. I have enjoyed meeting some of these parents for the first time! So neat to meet people and hear about their missions and work here in Kigali (restaurant owners, telephone company, English teacher, doctor, banker, and others too!).

I encourage you too to think about your day, your week, your life and focus on the blessings that God has provided for you. If you have time, please leave a comment and share your blessings as an encouragement not just to me, but others that read as well!


Dushim’ Iman’ Ihoraho
(Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow)

Dushim’ Iman’ ihoraho

Kukw ari Yo yaturemye;

Yatugiriy’ imbabazi,

Tuyishime, Haleluya.

Iman’ ijy’itugabira

Ibyiza bidukwiriye;

Abayo bayiringiye

Duhora tuyisingiza.

Yemwe ngabo z’Uwiteka,

Namwe bamalayika be,

Muhora mu rurembo rwe,

Mumuhjimbazanye natwe.

Dushim’ Imana y’ubuntu,

Tuyishime twebge twese;

Dushime Data wa twese

N’Umwana n’Umwuka Wera.

New Doxology

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him all creatures here below

Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Let earth and heavenly saints proclaim

The power and might of His great Name

Let us exalt on bended knee

Praise God, the Holy Trinity

Praise God! Praise God!

Praise God Who saved my soul!

Praise God! Praise God!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Praise to the King, His throne transcends

His crown and Kingdom never end

Now and throughout eternity

I’ll praise the One Who died for me

Praise God! Praise God!

Praise God Who saved my soul!

Praise God! Praise God!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!


  1. Just skyped with LCMS kids during their chapel - HUGE blessing to my heart!!

  2. Sundays in which I can read, rest and rejuvenate are a big blessing to me.
